Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Next on the travel plans...

I've not hidden the fact I LOATHE flying, but, in only a few weeks I'm back on planes again, with up to eight flights in a two week timeframe. Eeek.

First up, my son, boyfriend and I are flying from Melbourne to Launceston in Tasmania to visit my mum, stepdad and littlest brother the day after Mum's birthday. We can only be there a few days, as we have to get back to Melbourne so that my son can go to his dad's, then the boyfriend and I embark on a string of shows together in four states - he and his brother performing, I'm doing the photojournalist thing... Returning to Melbourne between each city for other comittments I have...
It's going to look like this...
Melbourne - Launceston January 19th.
Launceston - Melbourne January 21st.
Melbourne - Brisbane January 24th.
Brisbane - Melbourne January 26th.
Melbourne - Sydney January 30th. (The day my son resumes school!!)
Sydney - Melbourne January 31st. (Last flight out)
Melbourne - Adelaide February 4th.
Adelaide - Melbourne February 5th. (Last flight out)

I'm going to be exhausted.

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