Feeling cosy!

Wet wet wet!!! From the moment we woke to the moment we arrived at the site we are staying on tonight it has been heavy rain. We went through Lincoln on our route but it was not weather to get out and view the cathedral. it looks like a lovely place though. We’ve travelled about 170 miles today but at least we were dry. I wasn’t keen on being alongside the trucks on the busy roads (we are not used to this in Guernsey!!) but Colin is a great driver. I just prayed hard for our safety as it was horrible at times! We are now in Cambridge on a lovely site and it’s stopped raining but it’s cold and breezy! We are however warm and dry……oh dear, as I type it’s started raining again! A warm meal of pasta and chicken was just what we needed when we arrived. As you can see Bertie is a cosy place to be and we have everything we need all in one place. We don’t want our road trip to end! It’s been amazing. Four more days then homeward bound!

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