Slow work movement?
Roll on (out?) fibre...
It is creeping ever closer to our house and one day we may have download speeds faster than 0.0 mbps and I will not have to keep my whole family apprised of work conference calls so they can give me the entire 0.0 bandwidth so I look slightly professional by having a speed faster than dial up.
In other news, lots of painful brainwork on hard GDPR stuff in two jurisdictions, then teaching TallGirl how to drive in a rare moment of harmonious joint parenting (one emergency handbrake stop by Mr B and lots of admirably instinctive pedal work by TallGirl. Steering needs work, which I seem to recall being my principal issue at that age too.)
Later, TallGirl repaid the favour by designing Mr B’s new website (I did the admin then ran away). Hopefully tomorrow she will get some time to revise for that little exam next week...
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