
Lovely start to the morning with chat, flowers and laughs, and then after a quick budget meeting I was off to an away day as my last meeting on a Board. Sad to go as things are really starting to move and develop and I'd have liked to stay involved but I'll find other ways I'm sure.
Home for quick supper before over to C's for a craft evening learning to crochet (although others were doing more knitting than crochet). I'm hoping that it might be easier on my wrists/thumbs to crochet rather than knit but I don't really like the effect crocheting produces as much. We chatted and nibbled at chocolate and cake and laughed. Really nice group of people - seems it might be a monthly thing so I'm really hoping my joints hold up enough for me to keep coming. I stumbled my way through with the crochet and made a 'square' (although hardly a regular shape!!)...whilst E finished off a lovely pair of socks!
Before we knew it it was 11pm and so I came straight home and to bed. Nice day

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