A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Snow Berries

Had a little outing this afternoon with daughter Grace to Saltaire. We had been to the garden centre sale, before lunch, to get half price lights for next years wedding but decided we wanted to get out of the house again but without too many crowds. Not that much open in Saltaire but we went around the Salts Mill and saw an interesting exhibition called Wool Refashioned. Vintage garments remodelled using wool as the principal fabric were on display as well as the original models.

Returning up Victoria Road we saw these bushes with what I call Snow Berries. I love these mainly because they are pretty in the winter months but also because I used to pass one of these bushes on my walk to school and loved stamping on the fallen ones and hearing them pop! I still do!

Groan - more food beckons.

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