Hey Pretty Smiling People
Came home from work tonight and himself and I took the tent down - wow it is so much easier when it's dry and there isn't a howling wind assisting you.
We took a wee run up to the Allotment to make sure the stuff in the polytunnel was looking okay - it did need a bit of a water. 4 Asparagus stalks.... and a handful of coriander; first crop :-)
Had a wee bimble up to plot 22A it's looking a bit lovely - my flowers are all out, and my sunflowers are coming on - there are going to be loads of them. Parsnips all working out well. Spotted some extra parsnips (someone planted and then moved plots, but I spied his parnsips. I will have to make a covert trip to nip them.
I dropped himself at home and headed to the beach to have a look at the calm. And the mindfulness :-)
No mindfulness to be had tonight. Place was jumping. Cubs, Brownies, Football Squad, beach volleyball. It was amazing to see it that busy at 8pm at night.
I sat on the wall and watched the football lads (wee lads about 8-10) do their circuit training. The volleyball was being played like Boy played it. Biff Baff Bosh, Swear, Shout, Fall over. I felt quite melancholy listening to them.
Then I watched a couple undress under the biggest raincoats I have ever seen. And then waddle down to the water; remove the raincoats and head off into the water. Lovely.
Then as I walked away, one of the Volleyball lads shouted "Hey Stevie Cruse's mum.... and I said "hey". And he said "do you remember me". And I looked, close and said "course I do".
And wandered back to the car.
Don't want people to think I was stalking young men.
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