Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Be mindful ...

... of the present. And make sure you are wearing clean underwear.

So said my mum. Morbid fear of being taken to hospital after an accident and not having suitable pants on.

Actually she didn’t say the mindful bit. My mum’s generation didn’t do mindful, they just drank tea. Lots of tea.

Alastair Cooke recounted meeting a tattooist on a train who once inscribed "do not defile this body" across the stomach of a woman on the night before she went in for surgery. That’s very mindful.

Have been reading "There Is No Planet B" by Mike Berners-Lee today. Caused my eyebrows to raise. Get a copy, it’s fantastic. And yes his brother did invent the internet (probably in a moment of mindfulness).

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