Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

Pentland Hills

My Grandma died today. Strangely enough my Nan also died on the 27th of December. Maybe the matriarchs know something we don't.

Rudy and I visited my Grandma last week when we knew that she was dying. I thought twice about taking him, but in retrospect I am very happy to have made this decision. The hour we were with her was one of the most exceptionally special/normal hours that we have ever spent together. Grandma drifted in and out of a serene sleep and in her waking moments was filled with joyful smiles directed towards Rudy. Rudy and I spoke about how calm and tranquil she was and how beautiful she looked.

I feel very sad this evening, but I also am peaceful in the knowledge that my Grandma had a very good life.

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