Water fights

Got the no 35 up town in order to donate a pint of blood - I went up an hour or so earlier in order to pop in to Lady Findhorn's, as she leaves close by the leeches. The bus became stationary halfway up the Canongate - I saw police motor bikes with their lights flashing and thought it might be royalty being escorted from Waverley station. Then I noticed that the polis had balloons attached to their bikes - so, of course, it was the annual taxi outing when disadvantaged kids have their trip to the seaside. The black cabs are all covered with balloons and in recent years the kids have been giving water pistols and bubbles to spray on to the passers-by.

There was an incident just in front of the bus which someone filmed and  Marchmont shared on Twitter - I haven't tried this Twit-link thing before, so do hope it works. Think the filming started from the same bus I was on.

You will observe in my blip a taxi-driver gleefully shooting water at our bus driver.

Although I arrived rather late, it was lovely to see Lady F and have a cuppa and a slice of gingerbread with her ahead of the blood letting. She's doing some beautiful fair isle knitting.....

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