Back blipping

So here’s today. Down at Stefano’s garage getting the fan seen to. It was a roasting 32c as I drove to Fiesole yesterday evening and not even a fan.

Stefano’s operates as a sort of community mechanical surgery. He, his father (who lived in our house in his early boyhood years) and mechanic also confusingly called Stefano and Stefano1’s mother are brilliant. It’s unlike any garage I’ve been to before but I suppose like thousands of village garages.

In the back of the garage are five or six huge machine tools, a lathe, drill, press etc.

The fairly ancient guy in white brought in something that was broken and Domenico immediately got on the case, drilling, grinding, fixing.

I wandered the confines of the garage until the two Stefanos had taken out the glove compartment and found a rusted wire that was stopping the fan - and residual AC working.

I’m back there tomorrow to get the winter tyres changed. Better late than never.

Later cut grass and more grass. I could be making silage.

Many thanks for lovely comments on my Mum and Dad.

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