Caramacs & Monkey Socks

By AmyW

Things can only get better?

What a crappy week. I have my final college exam/clinic weekend this weekend, and while that's stressful enough, my grandma died on Sunday, making it really hard to focus on the ridiculous amount of information we have to learn (over 1000 slides) for the exam.
On top of that, this is what I discovered when I went into work this morning. Despite reporting a leak in my office a week ago, which had caused a bit of blistering in the paint work, no one did anything about it, and surprise surprise, after the heavy rain we had yesterday and today, things got worse! Who'd have thought it?!
I'd already moved some of my (ruined) paperwork out of the way last week, but today the water had almost reached to my computer, soaked the carpet and curtain, run down the walls, splashed on to everything on my noticeboard, and bubbled another huge patch of paint. I had to sit under an umbrella to get work done, and the carpet is already starting to smell.
I'm just glad I don't have any clients at college this weekend - I think that might've been the straw that broke the camel's back.

p.s. This isn't the first time my office has leaked. Did I tell you about the time someone working on the roof set it on fire with his blowtorch?! We had heavy rain not long after and it caused a large part of ceiling to fall in. Fires, floods...I was expecting locusts after that...

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