shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

A very little snow

You don't get much snow in Catacol, this is about as much as you ever see, on the tops further up the Glen. Ranza and I walked round the farm today, this is her watching the bulls, which were chasing each other and the sheep in the field below, sadly out of shot.

We had the district nurse in today, Mum has been sleeping better than usual due to the various painkillers she's been taking over the last few months, and the lack of moving around at night seems to have reawakened an old pressure sore from when she had Guillain-Barre syndrome back in the early 1980s, so she now has an ugly black bit on her heel. Thankfully the skin has not broken and her circulation is good, so she has to rest and keep it up. She's made herself a special padded sock and now has an inflatable cushion from the nurse. Otherwise a nice peaceful day of daily tasks and photo processing.

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