Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Full of Eastern Promise

Rather like an easily tempted character in The Chronicles of Narnia, I have an addiction to Turkish Delight. If you are of my age or thereabouts you will remember the 1960s adverts for the cheapo Fry’s version, covered in chocolate and available at your local newsagent when you bought your copy of The Eagle, along with some Corona cherryade. I have recreated it by taking Sainsbury’s own vegan Turkish delight and sandwiching it between two vegan chocolate buttons from Montezuma. It works remarkably well. I might even go for it as part of a chocolate fondue.

Turkish delight has an interesting history. Most tellingly Fry’s ("controversially" according to Wikipedia) moved production of their product to Poland in 2010. No doubt the Turks would be amused at this as they have been making it for several hundred years.

Meanwhile back in the real world ...

I had bloods taken today and was presented with a stool sample kit. Productivity was low but better than yesterday. It rained again and my new yellow umbrella blew inside out on the way to the GP (but was easily restored to normal as per the supplier’s promise). Boris The Shit came out top in the first round of Tory leadership voting but like turds in a swimming pool it really is unsurprising that the outstanding lightweight floats to the top in a contest like this.

I have not had a good week so am allowed to be grumpy ...

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