Rolling baby!!
So last night was pretty much the same nappy wise, except that Mummy managed to catch them before they leaked. But I accidentally managed to make myself sick by overdoing sucking on my fingers so I still needed a full change.
I've had lots of play time today on my mat and finally managed to roll myself from my back onto my front for the first time. I've been so close for a week or so, kicking my legs and hips over but not quite managing to get my top half over. Today I managed to get my top half over too, but I face planted the floor and got my arm stuck underneath me and so I cried! Hopefully next time will go better.
I have also decided I really like the 'went to the barber shop' song and belly laugh when mummy sings it with me - and I get hiccups every time!
This evening Nannie and Grandpa went with daddy to watch Thomas at football training. Mummy and me were supposed to be going for a brew at Grandma and Grandads, but Grandma is full of a cold so we stayed at home and had lots of cuddles instead.
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