
By kati

this may not be the best of all my photos today but i think it illustrates something a little sad and paradoxical about the location we adventured to this afternoon.
this building along the river was abandoned at least twelve years ago, to be squatted in by people that planted a garden on the roof and roamed the basement tunnels and climbed the rickety metal ladder inside the smokestack to poke their heads out the top. later it was used as a filming location for the movie the hunted... and most recently is just one of the only places in portland where you can apparently go to practice your artwork in the daylight. and skate on the make-shift ramps that were built about six months ago and already look ancient.
my husband and lola and i stumbled upon it while trying to find a route down to the tugboat i have taken the blip dare to blip. i'm pretty sure lola is the only toddler in a stroller that's been in that building in maybe forever. and i have to admit it was probably one of the scariest places i've poked around in since high school. until a guy rode up on his bike and told us the history of the place. including the fact that he used to be one of the original gardening squatters there twelve years ago. and he actually seemed quite nice.
bottom line, its going to take at least another trespassing trip without the stroller and with better shoes on to get to that tugboat. but i take my blip dares very seriously.

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