Despite everyone( else)'s best efforts the wingpiglet seems remarkably (and pleasingly) unconcerned about impending events. He appears to no longer be frightened of people dressed in red with big fake beards, not even when they appear aware of him personally on one of those customisable video things, as arranged by my sister. Fortunately the resolution of the "I see that you live in..." bit was limited to "Scotland", though he's probably a bit young for being able to work out that knowing where he usually lives might result in some confusion when he's through here tonight. More horrifying from my point of view is the size of the pile under the tree, which could do much damage at such a formative age if not restricted in future years. There's also the question of where it willl all be kept, though there's always his room, though keeping it as a place of sleeping may or may not have something to do with the relative ease of getting him to sleep once he's upstairs in it with nothing but books to have read at him.
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