A New Day

By ANewDay

The Pale Palette

It was Open Gardens in the town today, but we had so much to do in our own garden that we decided to concentrate on that.  

First I did two large loads of washing and hung them out as the forecast promised no rain until this evening.  It lied (why am I surprised)!!  I was just in the middle of trimming back some shrubs when the heavens opened and we had HAIL:-)  There were a few sweet words said, as you can imagine as I rushed to get the washing back in.  Then, of course, the sun came out again.  Grrrrr!!

Fortunately, prior to this, I had wandered round the garden to see what was new and this is a collage of the pale palette of things that have recently appeared.  Lots more clematis, one of which has a lovely scent and a few shrubs I can't identify yet.  

Maybe next year we could open our garden to the public too (if we supply oxygen for the steep climb!)

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