Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Walking the dog

Alfie woke me at 6 this morning, whining loudly, presumably wanting to go out.  Robin emerged from his bedroom shortly after, stark naked, demanding the potty.  He refused to get dressed for quite a while.

He had toast and "white cheese" - otherwise known as Brie - for breakfast, and played nicely at various things.  I had to do a poo pick in the garden, and introduced him to some hedgehog poo - apparently he and his dad saw one in the garden only a few days ago.  We also sampled the few ripe raspberries on the canes in the garden.

Then some friends collected him, and took him off to a playground.  They dropped him back at 7.45 - I had hoped he would be asleep in the car and could be transferred straight to bed.  Instead, he was somewhat hyped up, but in fact he did settle quite quickly. 

R and G are still stuck in hospital, little sign of progress - this babe is clearly very comfortable. 

Whilst Robin was away, I took Alfie for a walk.  We didn't get very far, as it started to rain, and we just got back in time to avoid a soaking from an impressive thunderstorm.  The blip is a sculpture sited outside someone's beach hut.

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