Staying positive

Today I have been naughty!.........................

Ann took me to 'North Berwick' to play on the beach. I like North Berwick. There were loads of dogs on the beach that wanted to play with me. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE playing with other dogs. Ann doesn't mind me playing with other dogs. However, she gets very angry if I don't come when I'm called. And today my recall was rubbish!!!

Three times I went off playing with other dogs and three times I continually ignored Ann when she shouted, 'Trixie come.' Even though she had little bits of sausage for me. Well who wants sausage when there's other doggies to play with? Ann was miles away from me on the beach but I didn't care 'cos I was playing. Three times the other doggie's owners had to put them on their leads so that Ann had time to walk miles along the beach and capture me. Three times I was given another 'chance' to play properly and come when I was called. And then..................... after the third time of me refusing to come when I was called, I got put on my lead for the rest of my life!  Obviously not the rest of my life but certainly the rest of today!!!

Anyway one must focus on the positives in life........................…

I'm only 7 months old and nothing phases me. Ann has worked really hard at introducing me to loads of different sights and sounds.

I'm the most sociable little puppy that Ann knows. I love every single person and every single dog that I meet.

Yesterday I met a cat. It was standing in it's garden behind a gate, hissing at me. I just looked at it and wagged my tail. Silly cat. What did it think I wanted to do? Chase it?

When I'm in the car and Ann opens the 'Boot' I know I have to stay in the car until I have permission to get out. How good is that?

I saw a skateboarder for the first time today. I totally ignored him. Just how good was that? In 14 years of owning 'MollyCollie', Ann never managed to train her not to go ballistic at skateboarders. Or posties or buses or biffa trucks!!!!!

I don't do 'inappropriate barking'. OK I bark if I see animals on TV but when Ann says 'NO', I shut up.

I don't make a fuss when I'm left 'home alone'.

I sleep right through the night and don't get up until Ann tells me it's time to go for my morning walk. Even when I wake up early I just lie in my bed until Ann gets up.

I have a rug on the sofa so that I can sit next to Ann when she's watching TV. We have two sofas and I know that I'm only allowed on the one that has my rug on.

There's loads of stuff I can do. As I said above, I'm only 7 months old. …..............And actually I've learnt loads.

My very lovely owner, Ann, is continually stressing about all the stuff I can't do. But do you know what?........................ she needs to learn to focus on the positives....................

…............I'm 7 months old and I am fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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