Seeking Better Vibes

I'm finally adding backblips, although who knows when I'll get them caught up.  This is from a week ago when I walked to Art by the Falls. I took some good shots, but went with this one instead for my blip since I rarely do street photography.  I was two seconds too late to catch the photographer blipping the guitarist.  Aside from all kinds of art, the usual fattening food, and home remodeling companies hawking their stuff, there were acrobats on the Triangle who beckoned me to "come play!" when they saw me focusing my camera on them.  Oh no no no! Not me !!!  Noooo way.  

Having multiple on-going technical difficulties here...

My desktop suddenly can't read my sd card.  But I can pull photos off it and onto the laptop for the time being.

And, my i-phone suddenly wouldn't open the Gmail app.  Since I still have my corporate account (only 5.5 months left to go - hooray!) I was able to get a call from Google to solve it.  Easy peasy once I remembered I was entitled to phone support.

I would welcome suggestions for paid (vs free) e-mail to get phone support if needed and for a little more security.  I don't trust Google (Facebook, Amazon, etc etc).  My IT guy has steered me away from encrypted e-mail and a VPN but I feel I need to do SOMEthing to secure my communications, mundane though they may be. 

Wishing you all a wonderfully juicy weekend.

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