CALLY : Starting out

By Cally

Bird Rescue

The day before Christmas Day, plenty to do...then came something extra. Almost stepped on this baby pigeon as I went out the back door.. Puffed up, head tucked in, not looking at all well, it was just crouched on the lawn. My daughter has a soft spot for injured/ abandoned creatures ...(yes, got it from me) and so in came the crested pigeon and out came the syringe to give it water.It was docile, didn't make a fuss, took some water. Then armed with shopping list and grandson, first stop (after delivering Avon catalogues) was the local vet. Daughter left her mobile number with the vet saying if it feeds and perks up please call her, she'll take it back and release it in its natural surrounds. In less than an hour we had it back with a liquid food supply. She nurtured it through to next day then set it on a bush in the morning. While we weren't looking it flew off. Happy Christmas pigeon!

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