
By LynnH


Moss with his christmas cuddly toy courtesy of my daughter. Its a bit slobbery and dirty already so will be in the washer at the end of the week.

One massive mistake I made when training Moss (he was destined to be a working gundog like all his relatives) was to give him squeaky toys! He wanders round carrying them and squeaking them, which would sort of cause problems if he tried to make the pheasants and partridges squeak! I'm not convinced he would, but am not taking the risk...

Sonetimes I feel bad not completing his training and sending him back to his breeder (I was only puppy walking him for a year) to work as he is one of the best gundog I have seen and others who work dogs are blown away by him...........................However he couldn't go back at the time due to his breeder being quite ill and he became my little buddy! Its too late now to send him back as he is too domesticated plus he can't be breed from. (and I have to admit his recall is a bit dodgy but we are still working on it!)

I could never part with him so he's destined to be a very spoilt pampered loopy spaniel.

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