The best camera is

The best camera is the one you didn't forget to put an SD card into

I saw a beaver this morning! I had already realized I didn't have a card in the camera so I took a picture with my phone. 

We have a new intern so I took him plus the current interns out to lunch and now they've bonded and made him feel comfortable. I'm his supervisor because his real supervisor is in Vermont telecommuting and he should have someone local too. 

The next two come in July. 

Tonight I gave a welcome speech. Our company provided space for an event held by a green business incubator - that means an organization that helps new entrepreneurs with environmentally friendly business ideas learn what they need to know and help them make connections so they can be successful. My welcome speech was very well received because it was 30 seconds long. No really. I welcomed them, said something nice about my company, said something nice about being delighted to have them there, congratulated them on the progress they've made so far, and wished them good luck. Badda bing badda boom. 

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