
By Madchickenwoman


I popped round to Vegan Jo's for a coffee and to pick up an application form for my neighbour. She is looking for a job until she hopes to start training to be a teacher. I know Jo's place is always looking for carers. 
She was busy baking cakes for the Refugee event in the village tomorrow. Today she was going into Plymouth to help do the teas for the refugee event there, then she was cooking in the earth cafe in the eve! I don't know where she gets the energy to do this on her days off! 
We tried Oscar playing with Kess but he really isn't in to other dogs and Oscar was skittering away when his advances to play were rebuffed! I suddenly realised that the wall at the end of the garden would be very easy for him to jump over, and with the horses in the field he had even more rrason to try and jump it! Kess was taken for a walk and I kept oscar on a lead - but it wasn't conducive to a relaxing cup of tea and chat! Great view though!

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