I was listening to a very loud, spirited song and was surprised to look up and see two Eastern Towhees Orchard Orioles! Lots of Baltimores around so a surprise to see the Orchards. (Thanks to dbifulco for the correct identification!)
A glorious day here! A good day for a long walk, visit with a friend on maternity leave and to drop by the school to say goodbye to my students. I didn't really say goodbye - more a hi, I have missed you, and have a fun summer ; ) One mum has already sent me a board email asking if it was possible to meet up in a park one day this summer so J can see me again. Sounds like a good plan! (J is now 21 so no longer able to come to school).
On that note...I am returning to work tomorrow. Lots of odd jobs to do and supervision of students who require IT to complete exams. Not many more days....
Hope your day was equally good : )
D x
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