Jimmy, Finn, Yasmin and I

By Caronie

Merry Christmas Day!

As mentioned in the Christmas Eve Blip that I posted on Christmas Day in the morning Finlay had a restless night. However, he was bright eyed in the morning and woke at 6am sharp to open his stocking and presents. As most babies his age, he loved all the wrapping paper and tags. He also enjoyed the opening of the presents and shook with excitement while we opened them for him. Although he can't understand Christmas yet it was magical to spend the day with him.

After opening presents and a Buck's Fizz breakfast we sneaked in a quick nap before getting ready to spend the day with Finlay's cousin, Uncle and Auntie. When we arrived we opened more presents and Finlay was very spoilt. He enjoyed playing with Ethan and his toys and loved stroking Henry the dog. The adults enjoyed some good food and drink as we soaked up Christmas together. A gorgeous day and so lovely to see the cousins playing happily.

Another sleepless night was on the cards but this time due to a teething Ethan keeping all the adults up in the house. Luckily Finlay slept fairly well in his makeshift bed for the night. Roll on Boxing Day......

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