The Fisherman

With indifferent weather and yet more rain forcast (though finally starting to clear up), I needed something to  inspire me today, and the Blip Wide Wednesday challenge set by Freyjad on Water was all the encouragement I needed to head coastwards.

I ended up on the Calshot Spit, at the entrance to the Southampton Water from the Solent, and in such a strategic spot that Henry VIII built a castle in 1539 to protect the harbour from attack by from France or Spain.  In the 1920-30's  it was used for operating flying boats and was a venue for the Schneider Trophy, a race for seaplanes and flying boats, which was won outright by Britain in1931.

After an interesting (if sometimes wet) visit to the castle (extras), I walked back along the spit.  Looking back to the coastline between Southampton and Portsmouth I spotted a lone fisherman with a view across the relatively calm water and, given the cloud formation, signs that someone over there was getting a soaking!

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