Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


Mysterious shapes
Hung in suspension
On ethereal clothes line
Awaiting investigation

Darkened light
Filling valley's field
Like enshrouded nest
Or darkened tomb sealed

Friend or foe
Stride forth from shade
Enlightened response
Unable to be made

Blackened giants
Raises arms in defiant pose
Cowardice and bravery
In equal amount grows

Fear gathers its reins
Preparing for flight
While valour draws sword
And prepares for fight

Engorged lump in throat
Feels coal-like in its terror
Until leaf-naked trees reveal
The truth of their error

And woolley observers
Look on with undisguised smirk
Before putting head down
And returning to life's work

Cowardice giggles
And dashes past like thief
While bravery salutes
And steps forth in relief

So then into distance
Both pass as into faerie's land
And mist remains only
Wraith-like among that tree stand

Terry Rhiannyr
December 2012

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