
Friday night is sleepover night!
Although I'm surprised they could find room for themselves! This is Miss L's room but lots of Miss E's toys appear to be having a sleepover too!
This was taken before they dressed themselves up in summer dresses and winter hats. Although I now notice that Miss E has already squeezed herself into an old sleepsuit of Miss L's.
They are currently sat in the dark making chocolate mousse in the blender and making shadows on the wall with Miss E's Rapunzel torch.
Luckily we put them in there before 6pm so they should get to sleep at a more or less decent hour!
We've had a lazy day today watching some of the new DVDs. Beauty and the Beast was a hit (although Miss E did start shrieking a bit about being scared when the beast was getting angry at the beginning). The Lion King seemed to be OK, she whimpered a bit about being scared but said she wanted to carry on watching it when I offered to turn it off. When it ended she started crying and wailing "Mama" and clinging to me, completely unable to speak. Parents dying and mad, murdering uncles may have been a bit too much for her.
I think we'd best stick to Peppa Pig and Angelina Ballerina for a bit!
Although I must say Miss L laughed her way through it - she's a bit less sensitive than her sister!!

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