Good things and bad things

Today I woke up at 7.15pm and started 'crashing' around in the kitchen. My crate is in the kitchen and we also have a doggie gate in between the kitchen and living area. The crate is my sleeping area but I don't get shut in it because Ann likes me to be able to have a good stretch out if I want. Usually if I wake up before Ann I just lie quietly in my crate while she has a shower and gets dressed and then we go out for my walk at about 8am-ish.

This morning she knew there must be something wrong 'cos I'm normally such a good little puppy. Ann said, 'Trixie, what is the matter? Do you need to go to the toilet? Do you feel sick? What is wrong? I will throw some clothes on cos no one will want to see a naked 60 year old walking a dog and we will go out straight away. If you can't wait that long, please just go on the balcony.' Well Ann is always telling me that if I'm desperate for the toilet I can go on the balcony (because toilet training a puppy in a 4th floor flat is very, very, hard) but to be honest I don't really understand a word Ann says to me.

Anyway Ann got dressed in super quick time. She didn't even bother to get washed or brush her hair. OK, too much information. And then, when she was ready to take me for my walk, she looked on the balcony and I'd had the most enormous wee ever. How good was that?! Do you think I've finally learnt that I can use the balcony if I'm desperate??!!

Soooooo....................... that was the good thing that happened today.

…...........You only have to look at the photo to see what the bad thing was??!! 

I got left 'home alone' for a few hours. Ann didn't think there was anything in the kitchen that I could chew. How wrong she was. To be honest I've not actually chewed a lot of things. I chew my toys and I've shredded my bedding on a few occasions but I've not actually destroyed anything. ….........Until now!

When Ann first got MollyCollie, she destroyed absolutely loads of stuff including a new pair of glasses that Ann had paid almost £300 for. I haven't done anything nearly as naughty as that.

Anyway Ann thinks it was probably her own fault that I decided to go chewing. Normally if Ann is leaving me 'home alone' she takes me out to play with my ball or I go somewhere that I can run about off lead so that I get really tired. This morning I went for a 40 min walk but I was trekking around on my lead and that obviously didn't wear me out enough. Oh well, hey ho, it's only one little end panel. I'm sure it can be replaced.


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