Missing Milfontes
Sad to leave Milfontes today, but we've had a good break, sores have benefited from the seawater, and I walked over 10,000 steps each day, painful, but bearable, probably the cold water and sand helped.
The extra was on the side of our building, a new painting of the wreck that I blipped several years ago. Apparently, it was a Dutch ship, the Klemens; the four crewmen were rescued and went straight back to Holland, and still a mystery as to why no-one ever claimed the ship, which was intact when the engine failed, on a cold December night in 1996. We saw it today through the binoculars from a clifftop, getting even more broken up now.
- for this time to be restored, hugely grateful!
- making plans for upcoming trip to England
- Mike driving us safely back home
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