
A full on day today, mostly horse related. This morning I helped George (the human) with his carriage tours in town. A bit slow and quiet but probably best for my first tour day!

Home to chill and then out with Rosie to a pole work session at the local indoor arena. I went with no expectations, just wanting Rosie to see the arena and other horses. I thought that if we managed to do any pole work, it would be a huge bonus. Rosie took it all in her stride and settled sooner than I expected... And then went on to do all the pole work asked of her. So chuffed with her, she exceeded all my expectations massively. A big day for her, taking in so much and coping well with all of it. 
Photo courtesy of Debby who, with George (the human) gave their time tonight to keep me company. 

Gorgeous has had a bit of a break from me today. And I've had a bit of a self indulgent horse day. He is definitely a little lighter. But slowly slowly, no hurry, no rush. 

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