Can You See Me?
My camera settings were all wrong for the first shot this morning. Then I realized that I really liked this low key blip it is! This is in colour but you would never know it. Dark day, storming now.
A blip friend told me that my little raccoon was on the popular page. Wow...thank you all so much for loving him as much as I do!! I appreciate every single star, heart and comment : ))
Today was a day to get caught up on paperwork. Then I had to leave early to drive the hour to my dr's for a follow up after surgery. I was ecstatic to find out that he was not only very pleased with the healing and my sight, but he said that I no longer had any restrictions. Yay!! Thank you for all the positive thoughts over the past few weeks. We all now how precious our sight is - especially as photographers.
“I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn’t photograph them.”
– Diane Arbus
D x
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