Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

My Bathing Suit

I wanted to get back to blipping today so I don't get any further behind.  We got home yesterday afternoon and I spent the day today going through mail and looking through images from the trip.  I made good progress and should be able to backblip all of them tomorrow and start catching up on your journals....since I have lots of time to sit around.  More on that later....

For this image, I dropped the suit on the bed without flattening it and shot it from several different angles.  I chose this one and flipped and rotated the image and played with the light and colors.  It made the pattern a lot more interesting.  Many thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursdays!

I am grateful that I didn't break my foot!  I did sprain it, though, so I'm keeping it iced and elevated and I only have 726 steps on my watch today so I'm doing well resting it.  After we packed and hitched the camper yesterday, I did a walk around to make sure everything was secure....but I only got halfway around.  I twisted my foot, probably in a small hole, and knew in that split second that I was going down.  I am also grateful that I didn't get hurt at all from the fall!  It didn't hurt that much so I got up carefully put weight on it without pain.  It was fine when I walked the rest of the way around and got into the truck.  I actually forgot about it for about an hour and then it started to throb.  By the time we got home 90 minutes later, it was really hurting and I couldn't put any weight on it without terrible pain.  I took some ibuprofen and went to Urgent Care and it turned out to just be a sprain.  It is better today but I still can't bear full weight on it so I'm hobbling with crutches when I have to get up.  The doctor thought it would be almost back to normal in about a week.  I hope he's right!

Edit:  I just read this over and I think I should add that I was wearing real shoes and not my usual flip flops when this happened.  Ironic!

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