
By Trishy

Sewfari sewgoody!

Thank you Grandad ?for my daughter's sew your own rag doll kit. After lingering untouched for months as mummy non-sew-er had absolutely no understanding of the instructions, it is christmas and being many women together we confidently began to tackle this 'suitable first project for a child' Confidence..... more like foolishness. An assortment of aunties and a grandma, enthusiastic child plus a lot of creativity, laughter, frustration and love we got there.

As a bonus ( if female, multi generational bonding not enough) I learnt to operate a sewing machine which despite my mechanical engineers hat I have convinced myself is beyond me, I did it. Once everyone had gone home I found myself, with manual in hand, working out how to rethread it, change tensions, zig zag to straight and back again and omg!!!!! sew armholes.


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