
By stellarossa

Sunset cruise

We gathered together field staff from Malawi, DRC, Chad, South Sudan, Uganda, Central African Republic, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Greece and many other places. I heard about the innovative ways we are supporting refugees and migrants on the move - in Greece and the Venezuelans flooding through Colombia, and trying to help them avoid the organised criminals and human traffickers who are trying to prey on them (especially the women and children); the. Amazing work to support women and girls at risk or survivors of rape in war, and and the fearless staff working under fire in Syria to make sure civilians have drinking water in the searing Syrian heat. Whilst the Uk headlines criticised management failings at the top, I couldn’t be prouder to work with these amazing field staff.

We organised a boat trip for them to look at the hippos - a little social activity in a very packed week. So lovely to hear everyone sharing ideas and suggestions, being so fired up and motivated. That’s a big tick next to our ‘team-building’ objective!

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