
By DancingAly


Bit of a boring day. All the days seem to blur into one during the Christmas holidays. An endless supply of cups of tea, interneting, tv watching and then snacking, and before you know it it's dark again! I really must try to get back into a routine of sorts. I've been staying up till the small hours which has been lovely, going to bed when I feel like it, but the downside is not being able to rouse myself from my slumbers until 11am, despite the alarm being set for 9:30 :-)

All I did today was get my nails done, and then forced myself to go to b and q to get some lightbulbs. In a stroke of luck I managed to coerce my builder into coming in and changing it for me- well I am a girl:-) spent the evening with Little B as the parentals went out to dinner and B doesn't like being alone. Passed quite quickly as I was watching Titanic on DVD. This is the view from my laptop- a small dog forever gazing at me and my biscuit supply, hoping that a few crumbs will find there way to him!

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