Lavender plants!!

40 tiny plugs arrived by post today. Some of the pots that I washed during the week will be used once they are bigger.

Slept badly last night and only managed about 3 hrs!!! Needed to be awake and functioning early to contact a service centre about checking out R’s car. They couldn’t fit us in today, but have an appointment for 10am tomorrow. R is working so has my car, and was delegated the responsibility of adding her name to my insurance.

Meanwhile I collected antibiotics for Amber as her cough is troublesome. Then we left her at home whilst we collected the old ladies and delivered them to kennels for P.

By lunchtime I was about on my knees, so had a couple of hours sleep.

A welcomed phone call from the framer to say my pictures are ready for collection. So we headed over to get them. Pleased that they are done, but he had problems with my beach huts one and didn’t do them as requested :0(
Further explanation when I Blip it !!!

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