Thursday Visit

I should have done more correction work today, but somehow didn't get around to it.  In the afternoon, AW had an appointment with the physiotherapist, so off we went.  While he was there, did some supermarket errands, and then we went to town so that he could get 5 euros worth of homeopathic medicine, and then we sat down at Bagel & Beans for a coffee and bottle of apple juice, and a banana bagel and slice of cheesecake.  When we got back home, he got a message that Son and Wife were coming, with the kids!  Off I went again to fetch some cream puffs.

The kids had fun picking our strawberries, AW pointing out where they could look.  They ended up with four handfuls, which was quite a lot.  I washed them, and then AW got some powdered sugar, and they were all gone in two bits.  It appears that they won't have to go to school tomorrow because ... you won't believe it? ... the school is understaffed and it's their way of giving the teachers an extra day off to relieve the load.  Little Bro got some strawberry juice on his white T-shirt, and his mother did her best to scrub it off under the tap, while I rummaged a bit upstairs for one of my reserve gifts, which was a dark blue T-shirt with the Eiffel Tower.  It was still too big for Little Boy but I don't think it'll be long before he fits into it perfectly.  As they had arrived after dinner, both Big Sis and Little Bro were on the tired side.  I'm sure they fell asleep in the car on the way back home.  Only after they had left, which was around 21.00, did we realize that we hadn't had dinner yet.

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