
Today was the eldests 'graduation' from nursery school.  I managed to get totally worked up before going out and shouted at the boys, so they left the house in tears (great work from me).  Pretty yucky walk into town, which ended with the husband turning back to get the car as the arguments between the boys as to which was going to ride the scooter were getting too much (the alternative of the trike was totally out of the question, and the one not on the scooter had to be carried).  I hadn't clocked that maybe, just maybe, the eldest was a bit nervous about his morning - stupid, stupid me.  His class had learnt three songs that they sang beautifully, and then recieved their 'graduation' certificate.  It was so lovely.  The most touching was the eldest desperatly searching for me in the crowd the delight when he found me and not taking his eyes from me from then on.  They sure know how to tug the heart strings (luckily, I was wearing sun glasses...). 

Bit of time playing, chatting and eating at the nursery before coming back home.  The husband and the youngest both fell fast asleep for a couple of hours, and I had a delightful time with the eldest getting some holiday packing done (and a quick couple of games of Boules in the garden with him, as we found the boules set from our last holiday).  

Lovely afternoon in the garden, I got a really good run in as well, which is always a good way to make me happy. 

And.  We're getting a second scooter.... 

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