Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Looking good in the garden, this clump which I planted the year before last, I think, have really taken off, they're almost 6ft tall. I love the rich deep blue of this variety.
Up town by 10am for our team meeting which lasted till almost 3pm. I then walked home getting there just before A and C who had been round at the new house gardening.
Had another frustrating series of conversations with Virgin about the transfer of the rectory phone line. Never speaking to the same person twice and being passed to new people constantly each of whom you have to explain to is so frustrating. I've now got a technician coming out to the Rectory on Monday which I think is a waste of time and will involve me in 4 hours of sitting in a completely empty house . There is nothing physically wrong with the line, just with the way the contract has been set up!
Church barbecue tomorrow, I do hope the weather holds.
Steps today 17256.

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