Rocky mountaineer

What to choose was a problem. Should I go for the waterfall, the mountains or the train? i oils have done a collage but chose not too. So here you have a photo of the Chief mountain in Jasper.if you look carefully you can make out his profile including eye brows and the feathers are the avalanche slopes at the side . It snowed heavily here last Wednesday hence the mountains being covered in snow. At present it is tipping it down.
Ate like kings again on the train. So much so we do t want to eat tonight. Had to go chasing around for a pharmacy as I lost my glucose tablets between Vancouver and kamloops. Very important when I have already had 3 hypos I two days. Very odd but at the pharmacy they couldn’t sell them to me because the pharmacist had left!!!.
FaceTimed with the grand daughter whom I think is beginning to recognise us. She is so precious . Now just chillin
The extras are the pyramid waterfall and the Rocky Mountaineer train

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