We had a great service at Church this morning, followed by a Bring & Share lunch, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who stayed.
I would have been quite happy for us to go straight home so that Mr. HCB could watch cricket on the television, but I think he must be feeling a little guilty that he will be down at Bristol for most of this week watching cricket, so we went for a short drive. He thought he remembered seeing some dereliction not far from Swindon, and he was right.
You can see from the weeds growing in front of what we think is an old and derelict plough, that it hasn’t moved for some time.
I then went to visit my Mother, who is doing well, but still grumbling about the hospital food - mind you, if yesterday’s is anything to go by, it did look unappetising. Why would you put a huge pork chop with mashed potatoes and mashed swede? She said she couldn’t chew the meat, which makes me wonder why they don’t take more time to make the food look appealing - and at least cut it up and make a casserole with lots of lovely gravy. I also wonder why the “powers that be” don’t understand that when someone is poorly, food that looks good, even if only a small amount, would be far preferable to the sort of food I have seen during my visits. I know our National Health Service is struggling, but I’m sure that throwing so much food away is not good, and must make someone think!
When I left my Mother, I then went to visit Chi, a Nigerian lady from our church and her new baby, Kosi - I did try to pronounce his full name, but failed miserably. He was born a couple of weeks ago, and arrived well before his due date, weighing only 5 lbs, so has to stay in hospital until he is feeding well. Chi has been discharged, so goes up every day to feed and look after him, but obviously, like my Mother, is anxious to get home. I took several photographs, which Chi said she was happy for me to share; however, I decided not to show Kosi’s face, but just part of it so that you can see how much hair he has - I have put a couple in as extras for you to enjoy.
“A new baby
is like the beginning of all things -
wonder, hope,
a dream of possibilities.”
Eda LeShan
P.S. Thank you for all your kind comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's Blip, all of which were much appreciated.
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