Song and Dance

I went for a swim first thing. On leaving the building I heard a song thrush singing full throttle, so looked for it atop a tree. Wrong place - it was singing atop a lighting column.

J would like to believe that birds sing because they are happy, full of the joys of Spring. My explanation that they are all males, advertising for a mate and/or telling other males they are fit and prepared to defend their territory misses the point of how evocative birdsong is to us humans. The thrush family - which includes the robin and the nightingale - are amongst the best, to human ears at least. For obscure reasons, the song thrush song brings back a memory of standing in front of Leicester railway station, a long long time ago.

I realise that this is my 2000th blip, and that I ought to be making a song and dance about it. But today has just been too busy, In particular we have been getting plants for containers and planting a few before the rains arrive (which they have now). In the extra (my second photo of the day) some we bought from a little nursery taken over last year by a (now) 30 year old lad. I think Adam is doing well.

Why am I still blipping, 2000 consecutive blips on. It’s become a habit. I find the marking of change - the new and the disappearing - interesting. I like and enjoy the process of looking at things, not just seeing them. It’s part of me trying to improve my photography ( a long way to go). I’ve learnt a lot along the way. And surprisingly - because I was not even aware of it when I started blipping (I don’t do social networking) - I’ve found others approach to blipping quite fascinating.

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