Play day

3 years 69days

Katie's had a couple of slightly later nights and has slept in til slightly later. She came into my bed soon after I got to it, as she often does, cuddled and slept really well. It was 630before she woke and let me snooze on and off until 830, thanks to the iPad.

She's been playing wonderfully with some of her Christmas toys. She made the princesses very at home in her princess castle from her birthday. she has had a picnic with her new baby- although this resulted in a conversation about why she couldn't give the toy baby actual milk.

We are going to take a walk out to town as I need the bank, so we will probably end up going for a babyccino before her swimming lesson. Quite like this leisurely Saturday thing!

In other news, I am trying to come up with ideas for my things to do before I am 30 list- I have less than 3 months! Suggestions below please!

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