MonoMonday: Composition

With a trip to the outdoor pool this morning and an afternoon getting a second coat of paint on the garage door, there hasn't been time to go far for any outdoor blips with the emphasis on the composition.

So, I thought I'd come at the challenge from a different angle with a blip of my English exercise book and my first attempt at "Composition" in my first year at Secondary School nearly 55 years ago.

As you can see from my teacher Mr Atkins' comment, it wasn't an unqualified success! During my subsequent 34 year career as an English teacher, I'd have never marked or commented on a student's work in such a scanty way but these were the halcyon days of Grammar schools to which certain people are so keen to return and this was typical of marking in those days; in fact, I remember Mr Atkins fondly as one of the more interested and supportive teachers.

Interestingly, a quick scan of the rest of the book reveals just 3 other pieces of creative writing in 2 terms of work; the rest of the book consists of dictation, punctuation and grammar exercises and copied notes.

Anyway, my composition was about a day spent outdoors at the cricket ( afficianados of a certain age may well recognise some of the cricketers) and I did take the book outside to blip it!

Edit: just noticed my sadly prophetic write-up from a couple of years ago

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