crazy...disorganised & unpredictable!!...

(no windows!!...just to keep you on your toes Young Poet!!...)

"Suddenly everything finally made sense because, paradoxically, I finally accepted that it never would make sense. That's life. It's not all wrapped up with a tidy bow - it's crazy and disorganized and unpredictable, and so are the people who live it."
Diane Schwemm

(making sense of things that would never make sense...)

update: so disorganised in fact that forgot -yes once again! very predictable!? - my very special blipday!...that's life!...and thank you for being so patient and kind with my blippity!..and for visiting...and commenting today and everyday...thanks also in advance to all those that will visit later...have to do it now as i have no internet and it's now or...never when i get back to london!!...;-)

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