Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Pinky and Perky

We made for a colourful combo, my big sis and I, when we got together today. We did a bit of a crawl down the South Bank, tea, coffee and food rather than booze.  Very humid; rain spotted briefly then went off without leaving any relief, which was a shame. Could do with a damn fine thunderstorm.

Topics covered the meaning of life, people who walk along reading their smartphones, irritable bowel disease, the unsuitability of Boris Johnson for high office, and what it is and isn’t worth spending a lot of money on. We decided that expensive cars are a waste but decent spectacles represented a good personal investment.

Work life balance was a major theme. We concluded that we needed more days like this one. In fact I went so far as to say that I felt every day should just involve sitting around drinking and talking and people watching.

In Bills, where we had afternoon tea, I complained that my ceramic teapot was in perfect condition whereas my sister’s was authentically chipped and battered. Fake wear and tear is one of the things I go there for. The waiter apologised and said that he and the chef would chuck it ‘round the kitchen and give it a good kicking.

We caught up on all the family gossip then parted ways at London Bridge. On the way home I stopped at Morrison’s, which is the only place I have found that sells cucumbers that aren’t wrapped in plastic. I have declared war on plastic, particularly polyethylene terephthalate which is a particular bugbear of mine. Polymethyl methacrylate not so much. On which topic I finished There Is No Planet B today. I vote Mike Berners-Lee for president of the world. Awesome book, practical, value driven, funny and quietly positive. Great stuff. Am now reading The Joy of Burnout, a book whose title has people looking very puzzled. Watch this space.

Good day.

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