And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Quick blip!

Firstly thank you all so so much, your all great and I treasure you all and your different qualities. I was amazed with all the favourites I received so thanks again and for the stars I also hit the spot-light :)

im going to brid with Dave and mum, then back to hers for tea, after that im getting dropped at lindas for a catch up :) so I wont be back on till tomorrow or late late tonight! but I will catch up with you all.

Weight watchers- just for those I did not informed. On Thursday when I went to WW it was all in darkness I got the wrong week so I have to wait till next week now to see what I have lost, but as you can see I have lost weight off my face. I took this shot to show you my favourite perfume, one is a fake and one is the real deal!!

lots of love and hugs, im off to get wet! x x x

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