camping and clambering

Up to the lakes for a little trip to mark maternity leave drawing to a close. It was glorious weather and glorious fun! We got the camp all set up and then made our way up Lingmoor Fell. Every walk we go on seems to involve a sensible, rational discussion about getting down in plenty of time for dinner, not over exerting the children and taking routes which avoid any dangerous descents. And then it’s as though the conversation never happened. We enjoy the adventure though. It’s always an adventure.

Today’s walk ended later than expected in the New Dungeon Ghyll while Ant ran on to get the car to save little legs which were flagging (and more than ready for their bbq). Isaac absolutely refused to sleep in the tent before the rest (or at least some) of us did so it was pretty late by the time Ant and I got to sit under the stars and drink a glass of wine. I was fascinated by little lights on the surrounding fells, I suspect they were head torches of marshals on some sort of endurance run - I became vaguely obsessed with watching them.

Extras of camping kids - they were so happy!


1. Family time, away from the usual stuff;
2. Lakeland fells providing lessons on parenting;
3. Our compass.

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